Below is an A-Z list of terms and acronyms used within MAHSE and the different Healthcare Science areas.


Abbreviation Explanation
AHCS Academy for Healthcare Sciences


Abbreviation Explanation
BLS Basic Life Support
BMS Biomedical Science / Biomedical Scientist


Abbreviation Explanation
CCGs Clinical Commissioning Groups
CMFT Central Manchester Foundation Trust
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CQC Care Quality Commission
CSF Core Skills Framework. A set of skills required by every healthcare scientist (and other health professionals) before they may go on placement in a hospital


Abbreviation Explanation
DoH Department of Health


Abbreviation Explanation
ETP Echocardiography Training Programme


Abbreviation Explanation
GSP Good Scientific Practice


Abbreviation Explanation
HCA Healthcare Assistant. (Used to be known as a medical laboratory assistant, or lab aid.)
HCAI Healthcare Associated Infections
HCPC Health and Care Professions Council. The registrant body for professions including biomedical scientists and clinical scientists
HCS Healthcare Sciences
HEE Health Education England (formally Medical Education England). The Government department responsible for education and training of healthcare professionals
HEENW Health Education England – North West. The NHS department responsible for education and training within our region
HSST Higher Specialist Scientist Training


Abbreviation Explanation
IBMS Institute of Biomedical Science, the professional body.
ICT Information Communications Technology.


Abbreviation Explanation
MAHSE Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education. A joint venture between University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Liverpool. Also includes ‘affiliate’ Universities.  Together we deliver programmes for Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC).
MSC Modernising Scientific Careers
MSc Masters (Postgraduate Award)


Abbreviation Explanation
NHSBT National Health Service Blood and Transplant
NHS FT National Health Service Foundation Trust
NICE National Institute for Health & Care Excellence
NSHCS National School of Healthcare Science


Abbreviation Explanation
PBL Problem-based Learning
PHE Public Health England
PCTs Primary Care Trusts
POCT Point of Care/Testing
PSRBs Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies
PTP Practitioner training programme. An honours degree with integrated placement learning. The students pay their own fees.


Abbreviation Explanation
RCCP Registration Council of Clinical Physiologists, a voluntary register of those who practice in this field


Abbreviation Explanation
STP Scientific Training Programme


Abbreviation Explanation
WGS Whole Genome Sequencing