On 13th June 2024, MAHSE held their annual STP Research Day. The STP Research Day gives trainees an opportunity to showcase their research projects to all the cohorts and staff. Invitations were open to third year trainees to give either an oral or poster presentation, invitations were also extended to second year trainees for the poster presentation later.



This year’s event took place in Lecture Theatre B, Engineering Building A. This is the newest building on the UoM campus, which provided ample space for the event. We had attendance from trainees, staff, training officers and members of the National School for Healthcare Science (NSHCS).



The event was hosted by Dr Phil Macdonald, MAHSE Deputy- Director for STP. Presentations throughout the day were interspersed with oral and poster presentations. Posters were up on display near the main entrance area and  were presented during refreshments and lunch breaks. Lunch was served in a nice buffet style, with suitable accommodations for a diverse range of dietary requirements. Some quiet rooms were available all day for attendees during the event.























The last round of trainee talks concluded after lunch. The final coffee and networking break was followed by our key note speaker, Allan Pacey, MBE PhD FRCOG, Deputy Vice-President & Deputy Dean, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester. Allan gave a very interesting talk to delegates about utilising social media in research.









We had the pleasure of having some of our academics and our lead lay representatives, getting involved in judging oral and poster presentations. Afterwards, Phil and Professor Carol Ainley, MAHSE Director, announced prize winners. MAHSE would like to thank everyone for taking part in one of our proudest days. There was a short talk from Carol, recognising all the hard work that our STP trainees put in for the duration of their course.













We are very much looking forward to Research Day 2025!