On 23rd  October 2019, we welcomed of our new Cohort 6 HSST trainees and over 25 workplace supervisors to The University of Manchester Innovation Centre (UMIC) for the programme induction.

In the morning, MAHSE Deputy Director Professor Anne White introduced the DClinSci programme followed by Dr. Nathan Proudlove and Karen Cosgrove providing insight to Section A and workshops. We also welcomed Helen Hunter, a Cohort 4 trainee to share her experiences of HSST thus far.

There was a networking opportunity for delegates and information stands for NSHCS, MAHSE, Manchester Metropolitan University and The University of Manchester and MAHSE Lay Representatives.

In the afternoon, programme directors and programme administrators from The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University provided trainees and their supervisors with an introduction to Sections A-C of the DClinSci, the academic component of HSST. This was followed up with a Q&A session with the panel of speakers, questions and responses are provided below.


The day concluded with a keynote speaker from the Deputy Chief Scientific Officer of NHS England, Angela Douglas MBE.

Presentations from the day are available below.

Please note that the content of the below presentations is subject to change, any updates will be posted on the MAHSE website. 


  1. An Introduction to the DClinSci – Prof. Anne White
  2. Introduction to Section A of the DClinSci – Dr. Nathan Proudlove
  3. Introudction to Section C of the DClinSci – Prof. Anne White
  4. Workshops and how to get the most out of them – Karen Cosgrove
  5. What I wish I’d known in my first year – Helen Hunter
  6. SLIDO Questions for MAHSE and the universities from the Cohort 6 HSST induction
  7. Key Note Speak  – Angela Douglas MBE
Cohort 6 HSST Induction