There is an opportunity for healthcare scientists to get involved in the Quality Improvement Champion’s Group.

The Chief Scientific Officer’s Quality Improvement Champions Group (QI Group) would like to hear from healthcare scientists that are delivering their services away from secondary care in a new or innovative way to support its work in driving forward high quality, innovative patient-centred diagnostic and scientific services.

The QI Group brings together key leaders from the system to support the New Models of Care national programme for NHS England and to be a national hub of scientific expertise for a range of key stakeholders, so that healthcare science can be at the forefront of transformational change. This work forms part of NHS England’s wider ambition to ensure the delivery of high quality care for all, now and for future generations.

The group, chaired by Consultant Cardiac Physiologist Keith Pearce, from University Hospital South Manchester, brings together national healthcare scientist leaders from across the 50-plus specialisms of healthcare science with input from specialist teams within NHS England as required. It feeds in to the national healthcare science Leadership Innovation and Advice Group.

The QI Group has a number of roles including:

    • Provide scientific advice and expertise from across the healthcare science system in support of new care models nationally.
    • Be champions of quality locally, regionally and nationally to ensure patients receive high quality of care
    • Collaborate with local commissioners to ensure all patient services can be delivered in the best location with access to timely diagnostic testing.
    • Lead to increased awareness and shared understanding of national, regional and local developments, test new thinking and be able to share best practice.
    • Participate in horizon-scanning and long-range planning exercises to help identify emerging challenges and opportunities.
    • Gather evidence into a portfolio / library that can be shared across healthcare science and to all key stakeholders.

The QI Group secretariat is looking for more healthcare scientists to join the group to ensure it fully represents the breadth of the profession. For more information, or if you wish to join please contact Helen Liggett, Scientific Project Lead for Quality Improvement for CSO team at

Healthcare scientists wanted to join Quality Improvement group