MAHSE was formally established on 1 January 2012 as a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (ManMet) and the University of Salford (UoS), as well as leading Healthcare Scientists (HCS) from partner Trusts.
10 years on it has developed to include other universities that work together to deliver a range of Healthcare Scientist training programmes. The major partnership Universities are now University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Liverpool. MAHSE deliver 8 MSc Clinical Science programme as part of the Scientist Training Programme (STP) and is the only provider of the DClinSci as part of the Higher Specialist Scientist Training programme (HSST). It also is a provider of the PGCert in Echocardiography as part of the Echocardiography Training Programme (ETP).
MAHSE currently runs under the directorship of Carol Ainley (ManMet) and is supported by a small team of administrative staff and eLearning Technologists. It is overseen by an Executive Board with senior representatives from each MAHSE Partner University as well as regional HCS networks, patient groups and the NHS. There is also a Stakeholder Board which meets annually and includes all Programme Directors as well as members of the Executive Board. For further information, please see the MAHSE governance document.
The purpose of MAHSE is to:
- Co-ordinate development of healthcare science programmes
- Support trainees and their supervisors on Manchester programmes
- Co-ordinate development of CPD opportunities for Healthcare Scientists
- Facilitate effective communication amongst key stakeholders in order to share good practice and stimulate innovation
Our stakeholders are:
- Health Education England [The Lead Commissioner for the programmes is Health Education England, Midlands and East]
- Health Education England, North
- The Academy for Healthcare Science [to apply for equivalence]
- The National School of Healthcare Science
- The Northwest Healthcare Science Network